Classroom Ideas

Responsive Classroom Check it out....

The Responsive Classroom approach to teaching emphasizes academic, social, and emotional growth in a strong school community. We believe that how children learn is as important as what they learn, and that academic success is inextricably tied to building social-emotional competencies. We provide elementary and middle school educators with practical training and resources to help create safe and joyful classrooms and schools where children can thrive.
Independent research has found that the Responsive Classroom approach is associated with higher academic achievement in math and reading, improved school climate, and higher-quality instruction. It has been backed by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) as one of the most “well-designed evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL) programs”

Love and Logic

A loving, balanced approach

We provide a loving, balanced approach that is neither permissive nor punitive.
  • We show adults how to discipline kids without losing their love and respect.
  • We focus on helping children develop personal responsibility, self-control and good decision making skills.
  • Unlike some approaches we don’t use complicated reward or punishment systems only focused on short-term compliance.
  • Instead, we focus on nurturing long-term relationships and reinforcing good character.

We stand behind our products

We offer a wide variety of user friendly products backed by world-class customer service.
  • Our affordable products cover a broad range of ages and issues.
  •  A caring person will answer your call and provide helpful coaching.
  • We stand behind our 100% life changing guarantee.

Rethink Your Room

23. Instant Math Center
So you don't have the cash for Cuisenaire rods and other math tools, but you do have kitchen cabinets. Pantry staples like pasta shells and lima beans are perfect for hands-on math work and patterning.
24. Reflections
Is your room gloomy? Hanging mirrors or even reflective wrapping paper opposite the windows can really brighten things up! –Frankie Frasure
25. Shower Gallery Space
Have an ugly wall? Hang a couple of sheets of shower paneling from a home store and let the kids write or draw! Invite the kids to be creative on a theme you are studying in class, whether it's oceans or Pilgrims. –Christina Vrba
26. Hide It Away
Ugly storage area? Hit the fabric store and look for a bright fabric or remnant. Use safety pins to hang kids' work or to make it into a word wall. –Robin Shaw
27. Color Your World
Every interior designer knows the quickest (and the cheapest) way to overhaul a room is a can of paint. You could ask parents or teens to volunteer to help! –Peggy Collrin
28. That Holiday Glow
I repurposed extra Christmas tree lights by running them along the window sill and around the bookcases in my classroom. I don't light them all the time, but it's always a pick-me-up for the kids when I do! –Mary Jo Pick


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