
Showing posts from October, 2017


What do you think about flexibleseating in the classroom? Does it work? I started it this year and think it helps keep the kids less crazy. They get to switch weekly. I would love to hear some opi ions on this matter??  Let me know what you think..

Um whats that in you desk??

In the middle of a lesson a student says " ummm Mrs. Sedor I think that I see something in this desk." Ok well lots of things are in desk kid hello.... student pulls out a water balloon and I mean HUGE water balloon. What do kids think.... Never a dull moment...

Real life lessons

Always trying to put the real world in perspective to our kids . In this lesson students were given 1 million dollars to buy homes. They had to use rounding and estimating to find their totals. This activity involved rounding , estimating adding and subtraction. Man the kids loved it. We did it a second time  with 300,000 to buy cars.