Best Free Teacher Websites
1. Best for Young Readers: At The Stacks, students can post book reviews, get reading recommendations, play games based on the latest series, watch " Meet the Author " videos, and more. It's like Facebook for reading and it's safe for school, too. 2. Best for Finding Books: Use Book Wizard to level your classroom library, find resources for the books you teach, and create reading lists with the click of a button. You can also plug a title into the BookAlike feature to find books with an easier, similar, or more difficult reading level. 3. Best for Craft Projects: With hundreds of lessons for every grade level, you're guaranteed to find a colorful idea for your class, such as the " Chinese Dragon Drum " for Chinese New Year or the " What Do You Love? " project for Valentine's Day. 4. Best Way to Start the Day: Establi...