Number Talks

What is a Number Talk?

A Number Talk is a short, ongoing daily routine that provides students with meaningful ongoing practice with computation. A Number Talk is a powerful tool for helping students develop computational fluency because the expectation is that they will use number relationships and the structures of numbers to add, subtract, multiply and divide

Number Talks should be structured as short sessions alongside (but not necessarily directly related to) the ongoing math curriculum. It is important to keep Number Talks short, as they are not intended to replace current curriculum or take up the majority of the time spent on mathematics. In fact, teachers need to spend only 5 to 15 minutes on Number Talks. Number Talks are most effective when done everyday.

What is the Goal of Number Talks?

The primary goal of Number Talks is computational fluency. 

Children develop computational fluency while thinking and reasoning like mathematicians. Children are asked to make connections and look for relationships and thus are engaged in "doing mathematics." When they share their strategies with others, they learn to clarify and express their thinking, thereby developing mathematical language. This in turn serves them well when they are asked to express their mathematical processes in writing

In order for children to become computationally fluent, they need to know particular mathematical concepts that go beyond what is required to memorize basic facts or procedures. Students need to understand that:    • Numbers are composed of smaller numbers.   • Numbers can be taken apart and combined with other numbers to make new numbers.  • What we know about one number can help us figure out other numbers.  • What we know about parts of smaller numbers can help us with parts of larger numbers.        • Numbers are organized into groups of tens and ones (and hundreds, tens and ones and  so forth.)  • What we know about numbers to 10 helps us with number
s to 100 and beyond


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